Ozzle twizzle england
Ozzle twizzle england

Tur′diform, Tur′dine, Tur′doid, like a thrush. a genus of Passerine birds of the Turdidæ family, the thrushes.- adjs.

ozzle twizzle england

the commander of the light infantry of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem-always an Englishman. a popular name for one of the Tirailleurs Algériens, a body of native Algerian troops recruited for the French service. tumultuous, disturbed: in violent commotion: disposed to disorder: restless: producing commotion.- ns. a highly esteemed food-fish of the genus Rhombus and family Pleuronectidæ or Flat-fishes, abundant in the North Sea. Tur′binite, a fossil shell of this family. the typical genus of the family of scutibranchiate gasteropods, Turbinidæ.- n. a domestic pigeon having white body, coloured wings, and short beak. Turbinā′tion Tur′bine-pump, a pump in which water is raised by the inverted action of a turbine-wheel Turb′ine-steam′er, a vessel impelled by a steam-turbine.- adjs.

ozzle twizzle england

Tur′binate, -d, shaped like a top or inverted cone: spiral: ( anat.) whorled in shape: whirling like a top.- ns. a horizontal water-wheel with vertical axis, receiving and discharging water in various directions round the circumference-by parallel, outward, or inward flow.- adj. disordered: having the sediment disturbed: muddy: thick.- adv. a class of flat-worms with ciliated skin-the same as Planaria (q.v.).- adjs. the right to go upon the soil of another and dig turf, and carry off the same: a place where peat is dug. a head-covering worn by Eastern nations, consisting of a cap with a sash wound round it: a circular head-dress worn by ladies: the whole whorls of a shell.- n. a philological term which came to be used for the non-Aryan languages of the Ural-Altaic or Finno-Tartar group-sometimes extended so as to include the Dravidian tongues of India, also of the agglutinative type, thus erroneously suggesting affinity between non-Aryan and non-Semitic groups of languages which are probably quite unconnected.

ozzle twizzle england

Tu′racin, the red colouring matter of its feathers. one of the plantain-eaters, a large bird found in Africa, light green, with carmine wing-feathers.- n. a Canadian cap made by tucking in one tapered end of a long cylindrical bag, closed at both ends. a genus of trees, natives chiefly of the southern parts of the United States, including the Black Gum Tree, the Ogeechee Lime or Sour Gum Tree, &c. the genus of squirrel-shrews found in the Malay Peninsula, &c. a ram: the striking-face of a steam-hammer, &c.- v.t. Fāte, fär mē, hėr mīne mōte mūte mōōn then.

Ozzle twizzle england